
Singled Out: The Outfit's Come Alive

The Outfit released their sophomore album "Viking" this week and to celebrate we asked lead singer Andy Mitchell to tell us about the song "Come Alive". Here is the story:

"Come Alive" is a song that came together pretty quickly. The main riff was the first part I wrote and began singing to it and liked it right away. My writing process is always music and melody first. The chorus and bridge took a little more work and I really finetuned them once I started on the lyrics. I always like to demo out our songs too and listen back and decide which parts I like and which parts need some work.

So much of songwriting is making sure it is taking you on an emotional ride whether happy, sad, or wanting to punch a hole in a wall. Lyrics to the song and story came together originally about family members that have passed and they would come alive in pictures. Once I dialed in the lyrics and final melody, I changed the storyline to dreams which seemed a lot more feasible. It's like a separate world where you can go to see family and friends that have passed away in your dreams. My father-in-law passed away about 7 years ago and I thought how cool it would be to be able to see him in my dreams and reconnect. The song is about the dead Coming Alive in your dreams.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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Singled Out: The Outfit's Come Alive