
Singled Out: Tara Hack's She Wants to Be Loved

Tara Hack recently released her new song "She Wants to Be Loved" and to celebrate we asked her to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

"She Wants to Be Loved" is particularly important to me. I've heard multiple stories, have witnessed more times than I can count, the exploitation that a lot of women experience throughout their lives. It really broke my heart to see such great and amazing souls used for their bodies. The song is meant to be a message for the women that go through that, and to know that they don't have to. Also, for the men (who don't even realize the implications this mindset has on these women) to hopefully realize that sometimes women are just looking for an honest connection.

I had the outline/rough idea for the 1st verse and chorus of this song since 2013. I was messing around with the chords from a Damien Rice song, and then somehow morphed that into the verse chord structure for "She Wants to Be Loved." I brought it into a writing session this past year (2019) and it became the song it is today.

It always felt like something I needed to write for multiple reasons. From a third-party perspective, watching how people would approach my friends while we would be out at a bar, I witnessed a lot of sinister energy directed at them while they weren't paying attention to it. That's usually when you give the shoulder tap and whisper "hey, that guy's being a creep," or "let's go over here," in attempts to shield them from it. I knew the ambitions that my friends had, they wanted to find somebody to start a relationship with. Those were certainly not the ambitions of the other person. As well as, hearing stories from women that I've met about how they were taking advantage of by someone close to them. And knowing they couldn't say anything about it because that also comes with a whole host of issues. When you're with someone that you think is a friend, and then they do something like that, it causes a lot of trust issues within that person. That was always something I wish I could alleviate them from feeling that way, and wishing I could remove that moment entirely for them.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself below

"She Wants to Be Loved"

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Singled Out: Tara Hack's She Wants to Be Loved