Victory Vs iTunes
(punkbands) From HitsDailyDouble.com: Victory Records chief Tony Brummel is on the warpath regarding Apple and the company's iTunes policies. Brummel tried to negotiate a deal with the service but was unhappy with the terms, particularly Apple's refusal to approve a one-year term contract.

Brummel fired off another of his infamous e-mails, this one to Apple's Alex Luke. Some of the juicier excerpts follow: "The inflexibility on your side is mind boggling. This is art, if you have not forgotten. Do you think Michelangelo punched in and out when he painted the Sistine Chapel? Music consumers would look at your tactics as worse than those employed by the major record companies. I am surprised that Apple operates in such an authoritarian manner when its public image is that of a company run by creative types. [see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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