
Singled Out: Lizzie Weber's You

Lizzie Weber

Indie songwriter Lizzie Weber is gearing up to release her brand new "You" EP and to celebrate we asked her to tell us the store behind the title song. Here is the story:

I wrote "You" about four years ago. It started out as a somewhat different piece, sonically speaking, from what it is now.

I had just gone through a break-up-the end of which was more traumatic than anything I had experienced in my adult life. As many of us do when we grieve, I couldn't help myself from reliving some of the final moments of that journey, most of which were unpleasant.

I was on vacation with my family in Santa Barbara and couldn't sleep, so I grabbed my guitar and went to the patio. I started writing a basic finger-picking pattern (the same chords that make up the current intro of the song) and the words "Here love, come closer dove, let me have one last look at you," came out along with it. That was the beginning of the song. I didn't return to it for a few weeks.

Eventually I wrote three verses, still maintaining the finger-picking pattern, and finished the lyrics. I attended an open mic at a bar called "Atomic Cowboy" in St. Louis and decided to try out the song for the first time. By the end of the song I was crying a little-arguably one of the most vulnerable moments of my life. It was simply that difficult for me to perform at the time. So I put the song away for three years, refused to revisit it and disconnected myself from it.

Last fall I began to think about recording it along with two other songs I wrote around the same time. I feel that honest songwriting has the power to deeply touch another-the most important piece of the puzzle for me personally when it comes to creating music. In preparation for the studio time I had booked, I recorded demos at home, playing with the structure and chord progression in an entirely different fashion than when I originally wrote it.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the EP right here!

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Singled Out: Lizzie Weber's You

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