
Singled Out: Marlene Mendoza's Lost Control

Alternative rock/metalcore rockers Marlene Mendoza recently released her new single "Lost Control" and to celebrate we have asked her to tell us about the song. Here is the story:

I was inspired with the songs of I Prevail "Breaking Down" and Falling in Reverse "Popular Monster", which I both enjoy, to make this track with a twist of my own personal experience.

Instrumentally, I wanted to focus more on the production side of this song by introducing elements of synths, samples, and other sound elements which are heard throughout. It was really fun adding these elements to the song. It added character that was needed to give it life.

Lyrically, I wanted to talk about how it is very easy to get stuck in a spiral of negative thinking especially now during these crazy times hence the title "Lost Control". Sometimes people don't realize you're in it especially when they " medicate to numb the pain". It hides what's really happening inside our heads. This song is like a wake-up call to that thought processes that affects millions of people including myself. It's hard to snap out of it and its okay to ask for help.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about Marlene here

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Singled Out: Marlene Mendoza's Lost Control