
You Me At Six Share New Song 'Mixed Emotions' And Announce Album

Keavin Wiggins | 10-20-2022

Album art

UK rockers You Me At Six have shared their brand new track "Mixed Emotions (I Didn't Know How To Tell You What I Was Going Through)," which comes from their forthcoming album, Truth Decay.

Frontman Josh Franceschi had this to say, "The album generally is the band doing all the things that we as a band think we're good at and just embellishing them and finessing those ideas and just trying to do retrospective, quintessential YMAS but in 2022 and give that a new lease of life.

"For us we saw people around us, our peers, and some new blood coming through that were doing emo rock music again and we thought 'well we know how to do that and we want the world to know how we do it."

The new album will be released on January 27th and the first song from the effort, "Mixed Emotions," is described by the band's camp as "an open letter from Franceschi to his bandmates about mental health and how the group could've communicated differently over the years." Stream the track below:

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