
Drunk Halen Killed Reunion

(BW&BK) Last year's VAN HALEN reunion tour thrilled fans around North America, but things were not quite as euphoric inside the band. Bassist Michael Anthony told Launch that guitarist Eddie Van Halen's continued drinking made things a bit erratic and seems to have halted plans for future touring.

"I hate to talk smack about anyone in the band or whatever, but, y'know, Eddie, you know, he's still doing a bit of drinking and everything," he said. "There were nights where it was kind of like a rollercoaster, up or down, and myself, I would have liked to have seen him totally clean up if we were gonna take this further and, like, 'cause, gosh, we could've gone all around the world with it." [see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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