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Beau Nair Finishes Out His 9 Months of 9 Album Releases With The Double Album Life Is Beautiful


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(Industry Works 2) Beau Nair and Kung Fu Candy Records release the first great contender for Album of the Year, the double LP Life is Beautiful. Capping off a record nine albums in nine months, Beau Nair set out to claim the crown of outlaw country superstar and has been a man of his word. Starting in July 2022, Beau has released one legendary album a month since, finishing at a whopping 119 original songs total. Besides breaking some sort of world record, Life is Beautiful is his high water mark artistically.

"I feel like I set the new bar in music," chuckles Beau Nair. "I walk the talk unlike some of these other clowns. But underneath all the saucy smut there beats the heart of a sexual intellectual, a renaissance man, a songwriting visionary out to take the world by storm and surprise."

Unlike most modern artists, Beau Nair is a one-man machine, cranking out song after song from the writing of music and lyrics to the performance, production and mixing of the final product. From the acrobatic funk bass to the boogie woogie piano, that is 100% Beau. "It's impossible to fake the funk," says Nair. "It's all about how it feels. Your booty is the greatest indicator of whether the funk is for real. This is something I take seriously when laying down the bass on my tracks. Keys too. Whether it's piano or something extra funky like the Clavinet, there's a groove to make you move. None of my playing is auto-tuned or quantized, just the real deal, raw like slaw, baby!"

Beau Nair has been playing piano all his life in juke joints and roadhouses across the United States. He's a man who sees great promise in the United part, as well as Liberty and Justice for All. "When I wrote my song 'Freedom and Liberty' I was reacting to this whole idea of cancel culture. What can't you say anymore? What is too much? Too dirty? I'm touching the third rail to test out these 21st century limits in free speech and the ability I have to express myself on this here planet."

Indeed, Beau Nair's lyrics and sense of humor will catch any listener by surprise. But it is the songwriting and solid hooks that make this music rise far above novelty songs and locker room humor. The songcraft, sense of harmony and melody coupled with lyrics that pull together sometimes disparate realms into a seamless, head-bobbing blend. "I take pride in my work and in the craft of songwriting. Don't let the lyrics fool you; this ain't no lightweight music. There's chords in these songs that modern music- especially country- has long forgotten. People gonna be teaching classes on these songs- and a whole lot more- for years to come. I'm in it for the long haul."

Beau Nair isn't resting on his accomplishments. It's time to prepare the live show and finally show people what Funktry is like when it's in your face and shaking your booty. "Now that these albums are done, I can finally turn to putting the band together. It's been an insane job to finish nine albums in as many months. The fact that the last one became a double made it an exponentially steeper climb. Yet, here I stand at the top of that mountain, eyeing an even higher peak. I'm on it, I'm in it and I'm gonna win it!"

Believe him, folks. After all, Beau Nair is a man of his word.

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Beau Nair Finishes Out His 9 Months of 9 Album Releases With The Double Album Life Is Beautiful


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