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Brett Kissel Goes East With Second Album of 'The Compass Project'


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(AristoPR) CCMA and JUNO award-winning artist Brett Kissel has released his brand new album, East Album. The album is the second part of his biggest project to date, "The Compass Project," a four-part series with the next two albums dropping in the summer and the fall, respectively. It features ten tracks, including previously released featured tracks "Spend A Little Time With You" and "Nowhere." East Album is available to stream now here.

Kissel spoke on the meaning behind the new album, saying, "East Album is a collection of songs that reflect a more stripped-down, heartfelt side of me. It's inspired by the ocean and my love for both coasts - the Atlantic and Pacific."

Each album in "The Compass Project" takes point in describing different parts of Kissel's personality and sound. Specifically for the East Album, it spotlights laidback, acoustic tracks that listeners can unwind to.

The first album, South Album, released on January 27, 2023, gave fans catchy, upbeat tracks. Brett's current single from the album, "Never Have I Ever," has reached over seven million global streams and was the most added single at Canadian Country Radio in its first week of availability.

The next two albums, West Album and North Album, will drop in the late summer and fall, respectively. Fans can also expect feature tracks to be released prior to both albums' release, as it will give them a taste of what is to come from each. West Album will feature more southern twang-style tracks, while North Album contains Kissel's greatest hits performed live, showcasing his passion for performing.

In 2020, when the world hit pause due to the pandemic, Brett Kissel hit the gas pedal with a stream of songs that gained major attention. The multi-platinum artist has won 24 CCMA awards and three JUNO awards (equivalent to the American Grammy). Kissel has toured with Brad Paisley and Garth Brooks and collaborated with Grammy winners Charley Pride, Dave Mustaine, Nelly, and 98 degrees.

"I hope that throughout the year 2023, my fans - old and new - get a 365-degree view of me, my life, and my music. I can't wait to embark on the journey with them."

East Album Track Listing:
"Spend A Little Time With You" - Kyle Jacobs and James House
"Drive" - Brett Kissel
"Nowhere" - Kyle Jacobs and Ken Johnson
"When I Get On A Memory" - Matt Rogers and Brett Kissel
"Coastline" - Ryan Paul Henderson and Matthew Albert Carins
"Port Colborne" - Steve Fox
"Ten Years From Now" - Brett Kissel
"Made It" - Emma Lee, Karen Kasowski, and Brett Kissel
"Meet Me In Vegas" - Kyle Jacobs and Emily West
"Sanctuary ft. Cecelia Kissel" - Brett Kissel and Cecilia Kissel

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Brett Kissel Goes East With Second Album of 'The Compass Project'


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