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Carolina Story Release 'Colors Of My Mind'


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(Missing Piece) Carolina Story releases their new album Colors of My Mind via Soundly Music. Emerging from a period of tremendous pain and metamorphosis for the husband-and-wife duo of Ben and Emily Roberts, the new album is a masterclass in vulnerability and a foreshadowed story of resiliency.

"For years I'd been struggling with alcohol and drugs, mostly in silence, but four days after we finished this record I went into rehab-which wasn't planned at all," says Ben. "At the time I hadn't really understood where all these songs about change were coming from, but the catharsis of recording them wound up saving my life." Emily adds, "Even though Ben was having a hard time admitting he needed help, he was definitely communicating that in the music. In a way the songs were almost prophetic, considering how much they changed our lives after the fact."

After parting ways with their former label, Carolina Story headed into the studio to sate their creative impulses, but quickly found themselves with an entire album's worth of material. The resulting collection of songs contains essential truths about transformation, surrender, and the inevitability of impermanence - altogether forming a narrative of transcendence that soon had a life-altering impact on the band itself. Rather than getting lost in the darkness, Colors of My Mind is a spellbinding journey of metamorphosis as the main character evolves from the opening track onward, finding hope and purpose by the album's end.

Rooted in the lush and moody brand of Americana they first honed by traveling across the country on DIY tours in early 2010s, Colors of My Mind finds Carolina Story once again teaming up with five-time Grammy Award-nominated producer/songwriter/musician Paul Moak (John Paul White, Caitlyn Smith, Madi Diaz). The brooding debut single "Animal" showcases an edgier side to their sound, while the follow-up "Magic" invites us to see the world in awe, and the latest single "Let Go" finds our main character at rock bottom, realizing the only way to make it through is to surrender control and trust the process.

Over the last decade, Carolina Story has built a passionate grassroots following while touring all over the country and making their Grand Ole Opry debut in 2014. The pair has released two celebrated albums, their 2018 debut Lay Your Head Down followed by 2020's Dandelion, garnering acclaim from press including NPR Music, Billboard, Rolling Stone, American Songwriter and World Café, who declared, "The music they make - a sophisticated take on '60s and '70s southern rock - has the ability to stop time."

Carolina Story 2023 Tour Dates
April 25 - Memphis, TN @ Lafayette's w/ Joshua Ray Walker
May 14 - Asheville, NC @ The Grey Eagle w/ Melissa Carper
June 4 - Nashville, TN @ Bluebird Cafe
July 7 - Sioux Falls, SD @ Old Courthouse Concert Series
July 8 - Sioux Falls, SD @ Icon
August 18 - Santa Fe, TX @ San Benave Concert Series
August 26 - Clayton, NC @ Garden Party Concerts

Colors Of My Mind Tracklist
1. Animal
2. It's A Drag
3. Let Go
4. Colors of My Mind
5. Don't Look Down on Your Dreams
6. Again
7. Magic
8. Painted Lady
9. All In My Head
10. Angel on the Line
11. Wake Up

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Carolina Story Release 'Colors Of My Mind'


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