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Robert Ellis Releases 'Close Your Eyes' Video


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(Missing Piece Group) Texas-based singer/songwriter Robert Ellis released today his new single "Close Your Eyes" off his forthcoming album Yesterday's News (out May 19th through his label Niles City Records). Initially written as a tender lullaby for his son that could just as easily be sung into the mirror, "Close Your Eyes" is cathartic and dreamy, with the accompanying video providing a heartwarming peek into Ellis' family life.

"I wrote this one as a lullaby for my youngest kiddo," stated Ellis. "There's this little window after you lay them down in the crib, you sit outside the door and wait, listen. Then inevitably you go back in and soothe. One night when Domino was a baby, I was on the fourth or fifth round of this, and I just started humming a tune. I can remember the night vividly, though it was not unlike so many others. Music and film allow you to sort of freeze a beautiful moment, document it, and mark it. If you aren't careful they have a tendency of slipping away."

Ellis also announced today a new batch of select European tour dates this fall, which includes multiple stops in the Netherlands and Belgium. The new tour dates follow a whirlwind of shows at SXSW this month, including a performance at Willie Nelson's Luck Reunion and a showcase at Mohawk that was highlighted by Rolling Stone for the "tenderness of his melodies and nimble nylon string fingerpicking that rang sweet and true."

Track Listing:
01) Gene
02) On The Run
03) Yesterday's News
04) Out Of The Woods
05) Wait
06) Wait (Reprise)
07) Close Your Eyes
08) Close Your Eyes (Instrumental)
09) Better Tomorrow

Tour Dates:
10/05 - Groningen, NL @ Lutherse Kerk
10/06 - Hengelo, NL @ Metropool
10/08 - Antwerp, BE @ Trix
10/09 - Eindhover, NL @ Muziekgebouw
10/10 - Utrecht, NL @ TivoliVrendenburg

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Robert Ellis Releases 'Close Your Eyes' Video


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