
Britney Talks Crotch

(antiMusic) For those that care, Britney took to her website on Thursday and explained about her recent behavior including giving some photographers a better view of her than they ever expected. "It's been so long since I've been out on the town with friends," Britney writes.

"It's also been 2 years since I've even celebrated my birthday. Every move I make at this point has been magnified more than I expected, and I probably did take my new found freedom a little too far. Anyway, thank God for Victoria's Secrets' new underwear line! I look forward to a new year, new music and a new me."

[For all of your emailing asking about "the photos" we don't have them but you can see them at the full story link. But first ask yourself, What Would Tyler Durden Do? ] - Click here for the Full Story

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