
Gay Aiken Regrets

(antiMusic) The man that sparked the "Gay Aiken" controversy five months ago now says he regrets telling his story to a tabloid. John Paulus, a former Green Beret, claimed that he had met American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken through a gay website and had a one night stand with the singer in December of 2005.

"In an very callow and selfish moment I relayed the story to the National Enquirer," Paulus wrote on his blog last Friday. "The next day I had come to realize what I had done- I defied the trust of someone. I attempted to rectify my error by seeking a solution to stop the story from being printed. Through an entertainment attorney I had a cease and desist letter sent to America Media Corp, the owner of the National Enquirer. The story had been stopped temporarily until it was leaked to Billy Masters by one of his sources inside of Star Magazine. Billy Masters went on to provide the information to the New York Post which ran it as a blind item."

He said that he takes "full and complete responsibility" for the story getting out but adds that started his tell-all blog to "get even" with Aiken's rabid fans. He wrote that his "blog was not an attempt to ruin Clay or to seek attention, it was used as a vice to seek vengeance against those fans who continued to soil my name and compromise my livelihood. My vengeance was done at the expense of another human being and I apologize to Clay for that and I hope he will accept."

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