
Judging a Song by its Title

(Noble PR) Ron And Russell Mael Have Reacted Angrily To Sparks' New Single Dick Around Being Banned By BBC. Ron Mael This Morning Raged: "The BBC Has Officially Killed Off Our New Single Dick Around, Ostensibly Through Rather Childish Objections To The Title, An Innocent Reference To The Idle Life. That A Piece Of Music Can Be Condemned Purely By Its Title Without The 'Decision Makers' Even Having The Decency To Open The Cd Case Is A Travesty And An Insult To Both Us As The Creators Of The Music And To The Listeners Of The BBC"

Russell Mael Responded "The Reaction From The Public To This Record Has Been Nothing But Positive So The Bcc Should Stop Trying To Be The Morality Police When It Is So Clearly Misplaced" The Reaction Came After Bbc London Refused To Play The Single, Despite The Fact That Ron And Russell Were Invited Into The Studio As Guests Of The Breakfast Show. The Host Jono Coleman Was Banned From Playing The Single Dick Around. Ron And Russell Attempted To Walk Out Of The Studio But Were Persuaded To Stay By Jono. He And His Co-Host Jo Good Were Obviously Embarrassed - Particularly As They Quite Clearly Knew That The Term Means Wasting Time - And The Interview Deteriorated Into A Farcical Discussion About Why The BBC Would Not Permit The Single To Be Played.

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