
Fall Out Boy Sell Out for Chimp Cash - Top Story of 07

[originally published 04/04/07](punkbands) Besides the millions of people who still actually buy compact discs, the record industry continutes to b***** and moan about how they've fallen from their mighty perch. So what do you do if you're in a band and can't convince your record label to foot hundreds of thousands of dollars to get cimpanzees and exposions in your music videos? Two words... product placement.

The phenomenon hasn't gone unnoticed at the New York Times where they've written an article about Fall Out Boy and poor man's cologne, otherwise known as Tag body spray..

So yes, either chimps aren't free or FOB could use the extra money they haven't already pocketed from Wal Mart, Verizon, Honda, or whatever other big business company they've whored themselves out to. This is just the tip of the iceberg.[see full story for more- the evolution of Boy Bands continue] - more on this story

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