
Metallica Singer St Angers Trespassers

(antiMusic) Respect for private property sure isn't what it used to be; just ask James Hetfield. Blabbermouth has the tale: Metallica guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield has erected a metal fence on his property on a Terra Linda (California) hilltop, closing off a popular trail and angering hikers, bikers and equestrians.

Someone scrawled "SHAME DISGRACE" on the 300-foot-long, 8-to 10-foot-high corrugated metal silver fence adorned with barbed wire at its far edges. The fence, at the end of a fire road in the Terra Linda-Sleepy Hollow Divide open space preserve, went up in its present configuration in the past several weeks, according to trail users.

"I now have to get on the road with cars and go another three to seven miles to get to where I want to go," said biker David Lazarini of San Rafael. "It was always open, and it has changed suddenly." [poor baby, however it is Hetfield's property and would these whiners want all kinds of strange people traipsing across their yards? Would he be angrier if Hetfield had him arrested for trespassing? Read more, see photos of the fence and what prompted the fence - here]

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