INXS Remember Michael Hutchence On His 50th Birthday, Will Donate Proceeds From Song Sales To Haiti Relief
The late INXS frontman Michael Hutchence would have turned 50 this Friday. In celebration of his birthday, fans around the world have banded together to try and make their song, "Don't Change," number one. The band themselves have issued a tribute to their late friend and bandmate, and they also announced that all proceeds from the sale of the single will be donated to the Red Cross Haiti relief effort. Here is that announcement followed by the tributes: The sales of the song, which first hit the airways in 1982, are currently soaring through digital sites such as iTunes and Amazon and look set to achieve number one position in some markets. Thanks to the support of the Universal Music Group and INXS, all proceeds from sales will be donated to the Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Appeal. With what would have been Michael Hutchence's 50th birthday coming up this Friday, January 22nd, INXS has released the statements in celebration of their brother. From Andrew Farriss: Michael ( Hutch ). Michael and I met as school friends in Sydney around 1972. Firstly he was a good mate - sincere and yet funny too. We both liked music but I remember us talking more about motocross dirt bikes and girls than music. Michael then went to live in L.A. where he wrote some cool poetry and by the time he returned I had started a band of my own and I suggested he tried singing some of his poetry to music. Michael by then had met my family, including Tim and Jon and our friends Kirk and Garry, thus we all became mates. This meeting later became the Farriss Brothers. Which became INXS. Michael's ability to say much with few words helped us become a prolific songwriting duo. Some years later, whilst INXS was on a world tour in 1986 I sat down on an upright piano and started working on the chords that would eventually become " Never Tear Us Apart ". I thought it had potential and asked Michael what he thought of it. He told me he really liked it so I recorded a blues style demo for him. I gave the demo to Michael and the eventual lyric that he wrote was truly inspired. Straight from the heart. I know how much that lyric meant to him ��.. it was a personal love lyric very much in the moment for him. It still amazes me how this song and others we wrote have touched so many people around the world. Michael was a brilliant lyricist and I am very fortunate to have written with him and more importantly, shared his friendship. Andrew Farriss. Sydney 2010. From Kirk Pengilly: As a performer, he was one of the best. As a humanitarian, he made you feel human. As a singer, he was blessed with the constitution of an ox and never faltered. As a friend, you felt like you were his best. As a writer, he was an enlightened poet. I will always remember him. Michael loved and embraced life in every direction. So here's to you mate. See you when I see you.... KP XOX From Tim Farriss: Where is my brother, where has he gone? INXS were/are a 'Band Of Brothers', literally. The original six, 'Band Of Brothers' sipping the wine, savouring the food and the fruits of our labour and lives spent together. Climbing the endless mountains, overcoming everything we possibly could�. and we did!! We did IT Michael!!!!!!! To Tiger, This must be a tough day for you too sweetheart. I just want you to know that when you are ready, you have five Uncles who are here, to be here for you, at anytime with open arms. God bless you Michael, I know you can hear me and I will always treasure the times we spent together. Even (maybe especially) the tough ones. Love you always Brother. Timmy. From Jon Farriss: There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Michael. I feel privileged to have known Michael on so many levels. He was a confidant, a musical partner, a song-writing partner, a touring partner, a business partner, a performing partner, and a party partner, a 'Howdy Partner', a band mate, a live in flat mate and as an extension of my family. We are family. We are brothers�and although I feel him around, I really miss him. This 22nd January is Michael's 50th birthday. Everyone celebrates things in their own way. As I am quite a private person, I will celebrate Michaels birthday privately with my wife and daughter�. and Michael. God bless and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE! From Garry Beers: I first met Michael when he was about 13 years old. He became the lead singer of my first proper band with Andrew called Dr Dolphin. The things that really struck me about Michael back in those days was his compassion and his great sense of humour. I miss Michael, but luckily for me he lives on in my dreams. Garry
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