
Big 4: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax Announce 2nd U.S. Show

This story broke on Friday after the Day in Rock was published. For those that missed the update, here it is: Metallica hinted at it in interviews this week but now it is official: There is at least one more U.S. Big 4 show officially confirmed. Metallica had the following to say about it:

A huge thanks to everyone who came out to the desert this past weekend . . . we felt the enormous love and support, so we just had to find a way to make one more Big 4 show in the States happen. Enter New York . . . that's right, the Big 4 of Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and 'Tallica will be in the new version of the famed Yankee Stadium on September 14, 2011!

We can't wait for a night in the Bronx as our second American show and for those of you who love fun facts, this will also be the second live music event hosted at the new ballpark.

ALL seats are reserved for this show and tickets go on sale Friday, May 6 at 10:00 AM via Ticketmaster.com. Met Club members should log in for more information about a special pre-sale starting on Wednesday, May 4. Yankees season ticket holders will have their own pre-sale, also on May 4, starting at noon.

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