
Honey Boo Boo Star Arrested

(TMZ) TMZ has learned ... one of the stars of "Honey Boo Boo" was arrested earlier this month after cops say "Crazy" Tony Lindsey (Boo Boo's cousin) was part of a group wreaking havoc on a Georgia highway ... with a gorilla suit.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, Deputy Joe Rozier says he was driving along Highway 20 around 11 PM ... when he noticed someone carrying out a very stupid, and dangerous, prank:

"I observed a white male dressed in a gorilla suit acting as if he was going to jump into my lane of travel. I swerved into the left lane to avoid an accident with the person."

Rozier claims he immediately stopped the car, whipped out his flashlight and went searching for answers ... and "observed several white males run up the embankment and into the woods."

Rozier says he shouted at the group that he was going to release his K-9 on the perps ... when someone yelled back, "You don't have to do that, we're coming back."

The officer says he eventually made contact with 5 adults and 2 kids ... but NONE of them had a gorilla suit. Eventually, Dep. Rozier says they 'fessed up to stashing the suit in the woods.'

After recovering the suit, Dep. Rozier says he arrested all of the adults for reckless conduct -- and booked them all into the local jail. The gorilla suit was taken into evidence. more on this story

TMZ submitted this story.
Copyright TMZ - Excerpted here with permission.

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