
Black Sabbath's Bill Ward On The Horrible Loss Of Ozzy's Friendship

(Classic Rock) Original Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward spoke in a new interview about the loss of his friendship with frontman Ozzy Osbourne after they were unable to come to terms for Ward to be a part of the band. Below is an excerpt from the Classic Rock Revisited Interview:

Classic Rock Revisited: There are two sad things that come from this. All of the fans, including me, want to see you on that drum stool. The other sad thing is that Ozzy and you were always close, but this is really f***ing everything up between you.

Bill: Definitely. I love him and I miss him. I grieved his loss in 2012. I went through absolute murder, emotionally, with him saying the things he was saying. I was absolutely gob smacked, I couldn't believe it was somebody that I had known for so many years. It was really horrible going through that.

I don't dislike Oz. I don't have any animosity, or any revenge, and I am not seeking to be better than him, or anything like that. I am not trying to be right in these things in terms of "You are wrong and I am right." I am simply stating the facts and asking for an amendment of the facts, as they stand. It is very matter of fact with me. It is actually quite simple.

I am really saddened that all of the Ozzy fans and all of the Bill fans are all upset. All the Ozzy fans f***ing hate me. There is a lot of controversy. We try to keep an open mind to all of the fans and all of the interested parties. We are very concerned, my team, we are very concerned about the way these things are handled. We are very concerned about the people who dislike me, but they have every right to dislike me. I actually support them in their right to dislike me and they are entitled to their opinions. I don't necessarily agree with them that I am an a**hole, but if they want to call me an a**hole I will support their right to do that. I've got no axe to grind with anybody. I am at peace in this. I offered a real pathway. I just did it a couple of weeks ago.

CRR: Has there been any talks other than Ozzy's public reply?

Bill: Absolutely not. They found it offensive. I had no expectations. The thing that I needed to do was to write down and tell the public the things that I require and that these are the things that happened to me. I don't expect everyone to understand because they didn't walk the walk with me. I walked the walk through this and some of my family members did as well. It felt very sinister and not very nice at all. I had to rebuke that. I had to say, "That wasn't really nice. Before we move forward and before we are all happy families, let's get some things straightened out." It is what any family would do. When somebody comes in and f***ing sh*ts all over the place you go, "Hey, clean that sh*t up and then maybe we can talk."

CRR: Have you had any contact with Tony or Geezer?

Bill: Tony emailed me and I emailed Tony only a few weeks ago. Geezer, I have not spoken to for about five months. I haven't said a word to Ozzy, not one single thing.

CRR: My gut feeling is that this is not going to work out. I hope I am wrong.

Bill: I've put these things out into the universe and whether they are going to be received through the universe, or whether they will be received through ego I don't know. If they are received through ego then they will fail. If they receive these things with understanding and with an open mind there is every possibility this could succeed.

Read the full interview here.

Classic Rock Magazine is an official news provider for antiMusic.com.
Copyright Classic Rock Magazine- Excerpted here with permission.

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