
Names Without Numbers Stream Song From 20th Anniversary EP

Names Without Numbers are streaming their song "This Hallmark Moment", which comes from forthcoming 20th anniversary EP that is set to be released on July 3rd.

The band had this to say, "Wow! We can't believe it's been 20 years since we recorded this EP, back when we were just kids. Even though the lineup was a bit different back then, you can hear glimpses of where we were headed as a band.

"Listening to this again brings back so many memories of song and sound experimentation, best friends long-since moved away, and hours spent driving and sleeping in a stinky van.

"Recorded in the famous Mogis brothers' studio in Lincoln, Nebraska before we had any business being there, it still makes us smile. We hope you enjoy it too!" Stream the song below:

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Names Without Numbers Stream Song From 20th Anniversary EP