
  Governor Ted Nugent?

11-19-02 antiGUY
If Jesse Ventura can be a governor, why can�t Ted Nugent?  That is the question some Michigan citizens are asking. 

When asked which candidate they would like to see run against governor-elect Jennifer Granholm in 2006, Grand Rapids' news radio WOOD-AM listeners have selected Ted Nugent by almost 90%. 

But will Ted actually run? Nugent has gone on the record with the following two statements:

"I've always taken my 'We The People' obligations to heart as an activist American for quality of life upgrade. I've got three years to think about it, but there is no doubt the status quo needs to be tipped on its bureaucratic ass. I'm definitely the guy for that job."

"I'm flattered that the Michigan citizenry grasps my sincerity. I have always celebrated my 'We The People' activism. Maybe it's time to take it to the next level. The status quo system of politics sucks. Maybe it's time for an upheaval. Call me Ted 'Upheaval' Nugent. We'll see what happens."

If anything, it should make for interesting debates if Nugent decides to run and his campaign gets that far. Will he use his opponent for target practice?

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