
  Michael Jackson Apologizes for Baby Dangling, Under Investigation.

11-21-02 antiGUY
German police are investigating whether Michael Jackson committed a crime last Tuesday when he dangled his nine-month-old son over the balcony of a Berlin hotel.

With fans gathered four stories below, Jackson attempted to show off his youngest child to the cheering crowd.  The reaction of the hundreds of fans gathered outside the hotel was a mix of cheers and outrage as Jackson held his nine-month-old son, Prince Michael II, over the balcony railing with one hand. 

Following the public outrage over the incident, Jackson was quick to issue an apology. The Jackson statement said in part, "I offer no excuses for what happened. I made a terrible mistake. I got caught up in the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionally endanger the lives of my children."

It appears the apology may not be enough for German authorities. "We are examining if there is cause to open an investigation into whether a crime was committed," said a spokesperson for the Berlin police department on Wednesday.  

If it is determined that Jackson�s action qualifies as "neglect of duty in respect of care and supervision," then the Berlin authorities will begin a formal investigation. 

Ironically, Jackson was in Berlin to accept an award for his philanthropic work on behalf of children. 

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