
Why we are antiMusic

First, it is spelled out with a lowercase "a" and an uppercase "M" because our focus is on music and not being "anti". We now turn a past edition of our "Mail Bag" feature for the explanation of where our name came from.

From TFGL4LIFE asks: I just found your site from the Google news page and love it but I can't understand why you call it anti-music.

Response: This is probably one of the most common questions we get emailed about. The name is meant partially to be ironic. A music site called antiMUSIC. But the name originally came from a line in the book "Broken Record: The Inside Story of the Grammy Awards" by Henry Schipper. He recounts in the book that the Academy and their awards program were initially set up as the old-line music biz's answer to the growth of Rock n' Roll, a form of music they considered "Anti-Music". Seemed like an appropriate name for us and a celebration of rock.