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"Over a year ago in August [2003], GLASSJAW played our last show after years of touring and we decided to take a hiatus. We were all fried and needed time to do our own things. It got to the point where we were on top of each other way too much and it was starting to take its toll. Everyone decided to take some time off and do what they wanted to do for awhile.
"Fast-forward to a few weeks ago�. People start asking me about this GLASSJAW show in December that I know nothing about. So I look on the computer and find that there is a confirmed show. After thinking this was a mistake, I called Beck [Justin Beck, lead guitar] and just wanted to clarify. I found out Beck's vision of GLASSJAW these days is vastly different than mine. As far as I know, Beck plans to play the show with only himself on guitar, Daryl [Palumbo, vocals] and two hired musicians on drums on bass. After seeing Beck's vision of GLASSJAW, I realized I was not part of it anymore.
"I didn't quit the band. I'm just not in it anymore. I'm not really sure what the future of GLASSJAW will be, if any.[see full story for more]- Click Here for the Full Story
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Alex told Travis Heying of The Wichita
Eagle that Van Halen plans to take a rest after their tour wraps up later
this month but will then enter the studio to record a new album with Sammy
Hagar on lead vocals. [see full story for more]- Click
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The band kicked off their European tour
on Thursday (Nov 4) in Ireland, that trek will last for the six weeks and
give the band enough time to recover before returning to North America
for a tour in March of next year. [see full story for more]-
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The actual documentary will make up only
part of the 2-DVD set. According to a posting on the band's website, when
the DVD arrives in stores on January 25th it will include 7 hours of bonus
features including 40 additional scenes, "Exclusive Intimate Interviews
with Metallica about the film", highlights from festivals and premieres,
two separate audio commentaries by the band and the film's directors, as
well as two trailers for the film and a music video. -
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The 32-year-old rapper tells Rolling Stone magazine the N-word is "a word I don't feel comfortable with, it wouldn't sound right coming out of my mouth."
But, he feels that "faggot" isn't so bad
saying, "If you're using the word in the way of calling them a name, that's
different than a racial slur to me." [see full story for more]-
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The Alarm had a top 30 hit earlier this year with 45rpm after pretending it was by a new band called The Poppyfields.
They even got young Welsh band The Wayriders to lip-synch the song for the video to convince DJs it was by a hip young band.
Alarm frontman Mike Peters has now agreed
to let lifelong friend Sara Sugarman direct the tale of how the band duped
the music industry. [see full story for more]- Click
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Speaking in a message on their official website, frontman Fred Durst also speaks about the chemistry between the band since guitarist Wes Borland returned reports NME.com.
"We're packing up and heading north to record a new album. Los Angeles is too comfortable for us, so we have to leave our everyday lives behind. This music is hungry for our blood, and we have to feed it what it wants.
"We have about two months before the holidays hit. Do you think we can hammer it out before Christmas? We'll see. [see full story if you are hungry for Fred and want to read more]- Click Here for the Full Story
Source: Ananova
also has news on Mel C says record company didn't give album 'a chance',
Yoko tops US dance chart, The Undertones deny Glastonbury confirmation,
Kylie defends relationship, Missy fancies Beckham and more click here to
check it out
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"Unfortunately, Crowbar will not be doing the states with HATEBREED in January after all. They will however be joining HATEBREED in the UK in March 2005. So be on the look out for that.
Joining the "Heavyweights Of Hardcore 2"
Tour in January will now be AGNOSTIC FRONT, DIECAST, LOVE IS RED and THE
AUTUMN OFFERING. The first confirmed dates have just been put up on the
message board. Go peep it. [see full story for more]-
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The CD will be issued in Japan on November 19th, and the DVD sometime in December. [more]- Click Here for the Full Story
Source: siN's
metal news also has news on Mushroomhead - Live track with Waylon on vocals,
The Autumn Offering - CD release show rescheduled for November 26, Lacuna
Coil - Sleep of Right song posted online, Earshot Drop off Megadeth tour!,
In Flames - Still #1 On Pepsi Charts and more click here to check it out
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"At 3am after the Madrid show, the tour
discovered that (Deicide's drummer) Steve Asheim's father had died. Despite
that the band played the show last night in Porto. However, they have flown
back to the States today [Saturday, Nov. 6], to allow Steve to be with
his family and make the necessary arrangements at this most difficult of
times. Therefore, due to completely unforeseen and obviously unavoidable
circumstances, Deicide are postponing PART of the current tour. [see full
story for more]- Click
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The 'X Factor' judge was furious when the woman snuck into Ozzy's hotel room in the hope of sleeping with him - so she took physical action.
She recalled: "Once a Japanese fan came to Ozzy's room and climbed into bed with him, not realising I was in there, too. I beat the s*** out of her. She wasn't expecting that.
I was like, 'Wrong room, baby!'"
Sharon insists she trusts Ozzy never to cheat on her - but she admits her threatening behaviour helps keep him faithful. [see full story for more]- Click Here for the Full Story
Source: Digital
Noise also has news on Shadows Fall's Video for "What Drives The Weak"
Posted Online, Track Listing for Upcoming HIM DVD Revealed, Glassjaw Guitarist
Todd Weinstock Leave the Band, Earshot Drop Off Megadeth Tour, Incubus
Live Performance Posted Online and more click here to check it out
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The African version of MTV Networks Europe's
urban music service, MTV Base, will bow in sub-Saharan Africa next February.
[see full story for more]- Click
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"We've got a wonderful old ... tape that's
been lost for 40 years that nobody's seen since it first aired featuring
the Beatles singing `She Loves You' and `I Wanna Hold Your Hand,'" producer
Dick Clark told The Associated Press this week. "It was an English show
that aired here that for some reason or another went into a trunk somewhere."
[see full story for more]- Click
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The band was also denied the visas needed
to head to China. It planned to take its punk rock to the country to promote
its Blackout (2003, Hellcat) [see full story for more]-
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The band fell short of condeming the Nitro
Records compilation, simply titled AFI, though it released a statement
to fans telling them they had not authorized the record. [see full story
for more]- Click
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Medical authorities believe Heaton succumbed
to an undiagnosed battle with pancreatic cancer. He had previously fought
cancer in the late '80s, when he dropped out of the band to fight a brain
tumor. [see full story for more]- Click
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Rollins will weigh in on independent films twice a month on "Henry's Film Corner," which will air every other Saturday on the Independent Film Channel. The first episode is set to debut Dec. 4. - Click Here for the Full Story
Source: Aversion
also has news on Robert Smith Joins Placebo on Stage, Shins Guy Scores
Film, Glassjaw Juggles Lineup, Fat Mike Reflects on Election, Love Drug
Pretrial Set for December, Yoko Ono Lands Gay-Marriage Anthem and more
click here to check it out
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Recorded with the help of Queen's legendary
producer Roy Thomas Baker �Get Your Hands Off My Woman Again' will be released
as a download only single for a month from Monday November 8. [see full
story for more]- Click
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On November 10th, MTV will air a portion
of the concert, as part of their new series MTV Ultimate Mash-Ups. A digital
single of "Numb/Encore" will be available everywhere digital music is sold
on November 9th. On November 30th, the entire CD/DVD set, entitled Collision
Course, will be available in stores everywhere. [see full story link to
hear "Numb Encore"]- Click
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The CD, featuring twelve tracks, has been
at least two years in the making, and marks a milestone in independent
music releases. Influenced by musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, Albert King,
Chris Duarte, and Eric Clapton.[see full story for more]-
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A few days ago I walked into the lord of the anti-realm's office (that's what some of our readers call him for whatever reason) and noticed he was working on a graphic. It was a logo on a black background that read "Raven's Heart". I figured it was for some metal band but I asked Keavin anyway and instead of confirming my suspicion he told me a rather sad story about a little girl named Raven.
I'll get to Raven's story in a minute but first I need to give you a little background so you see how this relates to music. About a year ago Keavin wrote a really cool antiTorial related to how we as diehard music fans are united in our love for music. Music really does bond us in a way that others thing never could and people with such different backgrounds and ideals can come together and find common ground in music.
Raven's story starts with her parents who are probably two of the strongest examples of diehard music fans you will ever find. Their love for music is at the center of their lives (apart from their family of course). Misse and Bryan Robinson have the music they love at the core of their beings. So much so that at their wedding the usual bridal march was replaced with Metallica's "Ecstasy of Gold". Their love for Metallica goes far further than that. Their oldest and youngest sons are named after Metallica members and each of Misse and Rob's five children were welcomed into the world with Metallica playing in the background. So we are not talking about your average music fans here, the Robinson's are devoted.
That brings us to Raven, the youngest Robinson to join this musical family. Raven was born two months ago (August 26). Misse and Bryan were expecting another son and were prepared to name the baby after Zakk Wylde, but fate handed them a beautiful daughter instead. However, Raven was born with Ventricular Septal Defect, a very large hole in between the right and left pumping chambers of her heart. This is a very serious problem and Raven must undergo open heart surgery to repair the hole. According to Misse, "Surgeons will need to stop [Raven's] heart in order to repair it, using a heart-lung machine to keep her alive while they work. She may require a pace maker for the rest of her life if the stitching through her heart interrupts the normal electric current." As you can guess the operation and follow-up treatment are not going to be cheap and Misse and Bryan are going to extraordinary lengths to get Raven the care she needs. Misse can not go back to work because she must care for Raven 24/7 and Bryan is working as hard as he can to make money. But it's not enough.
This is where Keavin came into the picture (at least how I understand it). Misse had contacted Happenin' Harry, the concert promote that antiMusic sponsors shows for. She was trying to find a buyer for some rare rock collectables that she needs to sell to raise money for Raven's surgery. I'm not sure if it was Keavin or Harry that suggested to Misse that it would probably be better to put together a benefit concert and set up a foundation so fellow metal fans can donate money to help Raven. But that's what is happening, Harry is burning up his phone getting artists to pledge to perform at a benefit show (the last I heard members of Disturbed and Type O' Negative were on board and actors Pete Greene and W. Earl Brown have pledge their support) and Keavin put together a quick website for the newly formed Raven's Heart Foundation. (that's what that logo I mentioned earlier was for).
Once I heard Raven's story, I knew I had to write something about it. The website wasn't ready Friday, so I had a hold off a couple days to post this. Here is where you come in. Chances are if you read this you are a big rock fan. You can relate to Misse and Bryan Robinson's love of music and the similar love of the music their children are being raised with. That's why I think it's important for us, the fellow music fans, to step up to the plate and help one of our own. I'm sure once word gets out that rock stars (maybe even Metallica) will join in and help but Raven is scheduled for surgery in two weeks and there isn't a lot of time. So if we as fans can help out, it will make a big difference.
Here is my pitch. With this running in the Day in Rock I know that it is likely that 20,000 people may read this. If everyone that reads this donates just $1 to Raven's Heart Foundation then the Robinson's will have the money for Raven's surgery and some of the post operation expenses can also be covered. What's more, after Raven is on the road to recovery, Misse Robinson plans to keep the Raven's Heart Foundation going to raise money for other children born with heart problems. I know not everyone that reads this will donate but please if you can spare a couple dollars or more right now, I encourage you to click the link provided below and do so (they take paypal or you can mail a check). Raven is one of us, and she needs our help.
Thank you. Rock with Heart, Scott.
(If journalists from other publications read this, you are more than welcome to reprint all or part of this article. Or if you'd like to write your own article, please do so and help get the word out to our fellow music fans. We can make a difference for one of our own. If you know a rockstar that may be able to help with the benefit, please send them a link to this article or ravensheart.org) [click the full story to visit Raven'sHeart.org to learn more and find out how to donate]- Click Here for the Full Story
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