
Rise Against Meat To Win

(Peta) Fans and critics alike have come to expect more than just intense music when Chicago's Rise Against takes center stage. The band doesn't disappoint in a brand-new pro-vegetarian ad for peta2�PETA's Youth Division�that shows band members Joe Principe, Chris Chasse, Tim McIlrath, and Brandon Barnes posing in front of a brick wall with the spray-painted tagline "Meat Is Murder�Go Vegetarian." Not content just to shoot the ad, the band offered sponsor a contest in which a lucky visitor to peta2.com will win a new snowboard donated by the band.

It's no small gesture, considering that Rise Against is currently on the Taste of Chaos International, stopping in Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany. So why does the all-vegetarian band equate meat with murder? "I started realizing that the meat industry is a very f***ed-up thing," says Joe. "I think that the idea behind animals as just products�selling animals like that�is a wrong thing. These are living creatures that feel pain. I don't believe in that, so I'm vegetarian."[see full story to check out the ad and enter the contest] - Click here for the Full Story

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