
Rap is Not Music

(Submitted News) In a recent exclusive interview conducted by Rock N Roll universe vocalist Mike DiMeo (RIOT, THE LIZARDS) discussed RIOT's upcoming album, THE LIZARDS' recent tour with hard rock legends UFO, the rumors that he'd quit RIOT, as well as the differences between European and American audiences. DiMeo also offered his opinion on the state of American radio. An excerpt from the interview follows:

And you know the hip hop stuff, I'm a fan of music, I like everything, but I can't stand to listen to someone talk over a beat. To me, that's a lot of things, that's talented in a lot of ways, but music it's not. You have to be able to rhyme, you have to be able to do it in time, which some guys can do, and some guys can't. But musical, that's not what it is. You're not going to tell me that that's music. It's really cool that they can rhyme words, yeah, and I grew up on black music. I grew up on OTIS REDDING, MUDDY WATERS, so it has nothing to do with a cultural thing. It's not like I can't relate to black guys, or black music, that's not the case. I have every STEVIE WONDER record ever written. Those songs are like my bible. His singing, to me you don't get better than that. I listen to gospel music, some of my favorite singers are gospel singers, I have old JAMES CLEVELAND records. So, when people tell me 'Oh, it's a cultural thing,' it ain't no cultural thing man. You put a 4/4 beat, which is great that they can rip off JAMES BROWN records, that's great, but listen to the SONGS, listen to what JAMES BROWN did with those beats. I'm not trying to knock anyone, it's just that they put things on the radio, and it's like having a comedian on the radio, it's a lot of things but it's not music. To me, you know what I'm saying? It's my opinion." [see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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