
The Code
by Brad Podray


Do you like punk? If the answer is �yes,� then you will like The Code's EP,  �Rhetoric of Reason.�  If your answer is �bananas,� then you're probably answering the wrong question and should pay attention to one conversation at a time.  Now lets not start one of those stupid pretentious debates on what �punk� is and the wide variety of differences between the genre that's supposedly been destroyed by modern music.  I don't really care for that debate.  For purposes of this article, The Code is a punk band.

These guys have a great deal of energy and I see no problems in their tactics, considering the musical genre they are trying to succeed in.  Lyrics about revolution/rebellion?  Check.  That three-chord progression that punk is absolutely notorious for? Check.  Speedy drums?  Check.  

The opening �Know Your Enemy,�  is a strong track, clearly drawing elements from known punk-rock acts such as Pennywise.  �The Pace� is a mite slower, yet retains the same energy that you'd expect from a quality band.  The most notable track on this EP, by far, is �Break the Silence.�  I am not a punk-rock fan but this song almost made me one...almost. Technically admirable and tight as a clenched gorilla�s fist, this track has a distinct sound that proves The Code's ability to not only play their instruments, but also the innovation to make a punk song that doesn't sound exactly like what I've already heard before. 

In this sentence, I give you props, The Code.  The final track is a cover of Operation Ivy's �Unity.�  Not much to say about this track- it's a cover.  It's well done.  That's about it.  

There's also a �hidden track� at the end of the CD but I guess I just ruined  the surprise for everyone.  All in all, it's a solid EP.  Each song fits snugly in the 2-3 minute mark, thus further proving my hypothesis that punk bands explode into flames if any song goes over two minutes and fifty-nine seconds.

Sure to please: non-pretentious punk fans.  People with a lot of energy.  Operation Ivy fans. 

Sure to disappoint: Rap fans.  pretentious punk fans(you know who you are).

CD Info and Links

The Code -  Rhetoric of Reason

Listen to Samples and Purchase This CD online

Visit the official website for more on the band and their new CD!

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