
Amoral Singer Needed - A Top Story This Week

Amoral Singer Needed was a top story for this week. Here it is again: (Blabbermouth) AMORAL have issued the following update: We are sad to inform you that Niko [Kallioj�rvi, vocals] is leaving AMORAL. A while ago he sat us down and told us that he's having serious motivation problems and feels like it's time to do other things. We were in shock, as none of us saw this coming.

"We were sure Niko was enjoying the ride just as much as we were. We tried reasoning with him, even offering him a year-long break to do whatever else he feels like he needs to do, but quickly realized he had already made his mind. Of course, we were devastated at first.

"Niko was just as crucial part of the band as the rest of us, and also our frontman, the voice of the band. Was this the end of AMORAL? The rest of us discussed this and were happy to see that we all felt that there's no way we're stopping now. We've worked too hard to get where we are, and we enjoy playing together, so why would we give it all up? We decided to look at the bright side of the situation: this would be our chance to pursue in a more melodic direction, something we've wanted for a long time but weren't able to do with Niko.
- read the rest of their statement plus find out how you can become their singer (if you have those melodic chops)

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