
Singled Out: Shirock

Welcome to Singled Out! where we ask artists to tell us the inside story of their latest single. Today Chuck Shirock from Shirock tells us about "Still Young" from their debut album "Everything Burns". We now turn it over to Chuck for the story:

"Still Young" is a song about trying to find hope when all we felt was doubt and uncertainty�it's about feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of big ideas and passing time. The song really has nothing to do with age, it's realizing that as long as we are alive there is still time.

When I (Chuck) started the song (which is how many songs happen�one of us comes up with an initial idea, then we flesh it all out and define it together later), the first lyrics I wrote were the chorus lyrics. A lot of the times we tend to write songs switching perspectives throughout the lyrics. The chorus in this song was written as if I was speaking to Pap, and pretty much captures the central theme of the whole song. She was one of the first people to believe in me, and there is a strong sense of urgency that comes from the weight of trying not to let down the people you care about.

The first verse was also written as if I was talking with Pap. I don't remember exactly, but I think I wrote those first words very literally, about us fighting. When you're in a relationship with someone, and also working together on something that you're both very passionate about, there is bound to be a lot of clashing. The question is not "if" that will happen�it's how you will react when it happens (and if you will be able to continually start over).

The second half of that verse is written as if I was retelling Pap what I've set out to do � to build something that I (with all of my faults, insecurities, and questions) can't tear down�to build something that will last. The last line was directed at those people who tell you to 'give up' on those big ideas you had when you were young. I have always felt like I've been left on the outside�this is a song for those of us who feel like "all we need is a chance."

The second verse starts out like I was talking to myself in the mirror. I try to hold it all together, but�if you really look and if I'm being honest�I'm a broken man. I remember lying in the hammock in our backyard the summer we were working on this song�I was lying there thinking and praying, hoping for some clarity and answers. Not sure what the future held, I was wondering what I was doing and if I would ever achieve my goals. It was an odd mix of being so uncertain but still searching for hope. It started pouring down rain, but I felt so heavy hearted that I just laid there thinking and praying�wondering if "heaven would answer." Wondering if God could hear me. The last few lines are again talking to Pap. "I don't want to stand where you can't stand," admitting I can't do this without her. The verse ends with one of my favorite lines of anything I've written�probably just because it is so honest and vulnerable. "I'm just a man without your heart, who's still trying to understand." Again, I try to pull it all together and act like I've got it figured out and it's all under control. But the truth? Without you, I'm just a man, who at the end of the day is still trying to make sense of it all.

The bridge is admitting that I can't do it alone. Pap's singing "There's only one way out," and I'm saying I need another chance to make this right.

It ends like the day in the hammock ended�learning to be hopeful in the midst of uncertainty. Which I think we've realized is the way most of life is.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album - right here!

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