
Lily Halpern To Support Cody Simpson and Greyson Chance's Waiting4U Tour Dates (Recap)

On Wednesday Lily Halpern To Support Cody Simpson and Greyson Chance's Waiting4U Tour Dates was a top story. Here is the recap: Lily Halpern will be joining the Waiting4U tour featuring Cody Simpson and Greyson Chance. Halpern will appear on the 4/23 Foxboro, MA show in addition to the 4/26 and 4/27 New York City shows.

Halpern is currently studying with Lady Gaga's vocal coach Don Lawrence, and will soon be in the studio working on her debut full-length album.

The video for her latest single, "Wishlist", has just been released. Starring Megan Parken, the celebrity blogger best known for "Megan Hearts MakeUp", the video showcases Shalin Sharman's stellar direction, and was filmed at Coney Island's famed boardwalk, as well as The Billiards in Brooklyn, New York. - Check out the video here

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