
Randy Blyrhe Says Fan's Death Reminded Him Of Losing His Baby Girl (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Randy Blyrhe Says Fan's Death Reminded Him Of Losing His Baby Girl was a top story. Here is the recap: (Classic Rock) Randy Blythe says his recent manslaughter charge has reminded him of how his baby daughter died � and that's why he has nothing but sympathy for the family of the fan who lost his life in 2010.

The Lamb of God singer spent five weeks in jail, all but ignored by US authorities, in connection with the death of Daniel Nosek, who suffered a brain haemorrhage weeks after allegedly striking his head while Blythe's band performed in Prague.

He's already vowed he'll return to the Czech Republic to stand trial after he was freed following weeks of legal wrangles. But now he reveals the experience has left him thinking about Sarah Fisher Blythe, his daughter, who passed away soon after her birth in 2000.

Classic Rock Magazine is an official news provider for antiMusic.com.
Copyright Classic Rock Magazine- Excerpted here with permission.

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