
No Devotion Label Sever Ties To Controversial AIDS Drug Mogul

(TeamRock Radio) Collect Records have cut all ties with controversial AIDS drug mogul Martin Shkreli. It comes a day after label owner - and No Devotion frontman - Geoff Rickly said he feared for the future of his business after Shkreli hit the headlines worldwide for raising the price of the drug Daraprim by 5000% from $13.50 (�8.79) to $750 (�488) a pill.

Ricky said Wednesday that Shkreli was a silent partner in Collect Records and that he was heartbroken by the revelations. In a fresh statement, Rickly says: "Today, Collect Records - with the support and encouragement of all of our artists - have agreed to fully sever our relationship with Martin Shkreli, effective immediately.

"When I decided to get into business with Martin, we took him on as a patron. He was completely silent and allowed us to do business as we pleased. His only ask was that we sign bands that we believed could make great art given the right environment and not to focus on a profit, no matter how dire the bottom line." Read more here.

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Copyright TeamRock Radio - Excerpted here with permission.

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