
Singled Out: Motive Black's Broken

Motive Black recently released their debut single "Broken" (which features Ray Luzier of Korn and Marcos Curiel of P.O.D.) and to celebrate we asked Elana Justin to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

I had just moved to LA after a rough few years' in New York. I had built up emotional armor, to protect myself. I was proud of being cold, and comfortable with feeling numb. Then I met someone new and everything changed... I feared I was becoming weak again, and it made me angry and combative. I fought against it, but eventually the positive new feelings became addicting, because I felt like I was waking up and being my confident self again".

"I didn't want to be exposed, I felt like I was going crazy... I wanted this to work so much, but I was also petrified of having it. It was conflicting - terrible and amazing at the same time. Ultimately "Broken" is about the fight I had internally that allowed me to break down the walls I'd built up around my heart for protection. By being willing to take a chance and open myself up again, I came back to being myself.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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