
Stephen Clair Shares '(Welcome To The World Now)'

Stephen Clair has released a brand new song called song "(Welcome To The World Now)" that was "written and recorded a hot minute ago for this time we're in."

Clair had this to say about the track, "If you're spending the pandemic the way I am, then you probably don't know what time of day it is, what day it even is, which meal it is that you may or may not have last had, but what you do know is clearly this is what it feels like when you're no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop. You're wondering where these trillions of dollars are coming from, and how you can apply for your piece of a trillion. I imagine our portions are on par with Spotify payouts. You're laying low, and maybe most of the time-honestly- you're kind of enjoying a little time to yourself. With such deprivation in the age of zoom, the social obligations are piling up, virtual as they are, and it's hard to keep the liquor cabinet stocked, let alone find the time to even squeeze in a movie.

"Maybe you're feeling good about yourself because you realize you don't need to shop for stuff online or in the real world nearly as much as you had been. It's actually cool to live lean. And all of a sudden we're all hanging out with some of our favorite people over some platform or another, regardless of time zone and we're wondering why we weren't doing this all along. But will we learn from any of this experience? It's a question.

"I spent the last 48 hours tinkering with this song, Welcome To The World Now. It's for all of us. A little 3-minute reprieve. Stay safe and well and I hope to see you soon, and I really can't wait to play shows with my awesome bandmates and to hug and high-five everybody." Watch the lyric video below and purchase the song here.

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Stephen Clair Shares '(Welcome To The World Now)'