
Singled Out: Loz Campbell's What Are You Doing It For?

Keavin Wiggins | 05-02-2021

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Loz Campbell cover art

Loz Campbell recently released a video for the bluesy new single "What Are You Doing It For?" and to celebrate we asked Loz to tell us the story behind the track. Here is the story:

Our new single "What Are You Doing It For" is inspired by people we have met in the industry and their reasons behind why they do music. The song originally stemmed from me being frustrated after a gig and my partner turned round to me and said, "well what are you doing it for then?" That made me think why am I doing it, the answer is for the feeling I get when I am onstage seeing people enjoying my music, lyrics that crop up a lot in the song are "when the spotlights hit the floor" and that is what I am trying to put across, when the spotlights hit the floor the adrenaline takes over and for that 30 mins to an hour I don't think about anything else but playing and it is magic! Lyrics such as "Hunger all around" is a description of all the bands and them being hungry for it (gigs/fame).

The recording process was really fun, I usually get really bad red light fever however I didn't with this track it. We spent two days in the middle of nowhere during the restricted stages of lockdown, it was good to get away from home for a few days. Day one was all about arranging the structure and really digging into what the song meant and what we wanted to put it across like. Drums and bass were laid down on day one and I remember sitting in the hotel room by myself thinking this already sounds like one hell of a track I hope I can deliver the guitars tomorrow. The next day I walked in, plugged in downstairs to warm up and quickly ran back upstairs and said "plug me in I've got it". Tom Gittins (the producer) always gets the best out of us and I remember him pushing me vocally in the last chorus particularly "Nothing left to say". I'm extremely proud of this track and what me and the guys achieved in just two days.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

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Singled Out: Loz Campbell's What Are You Doing It For?

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