
Singled Out: Barstool Confession's TAMED

Keavin Wiggins | 05-09-2024

Singled Out: Barstool Confession's TAMED

Canadian Country/Rock band Barstool Confession just released their brand new single "TAMED", and to celebrate we asked them to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

The song was conceived with a simple acoustic chord structure that lead to the development of melody and hooks that built the studio production to complement the song to have the character of true Nashville sound.

TAMED lyrics dive into what we all can experience with trying to "Tame" our emotions, both good and bad. Emotions of jealousy, anger, envy, sadness and excitement (to name a few), can take our thoughts into places we don't like or feel wrong. TAMED lyrics really take us on a journey that despite our fight to contain emotions, sometime they "can never be tamed". Sometimes they should never be TAMED like wild horses. They need to be left to find their own way with freedom of being controlled.

Lead vocalist Buck Goodbrand says "when I started writing the lyrics for the song, the concept was around how we all struggle with taming our emotions at times. Right from the start of playing this song as a band to iron it out for the studio and recording, it grabbed us all. It had and chord structure, melody and hooks that just made the body start to groove while playing it. The lyrics made it even more meaningful since we knew it would apply to almost everyone in the world. We all struggle with taming emotions. Once we hit the studio and our Producer, Michael Jack, put his 36 years of experience into the concept of the song, and it took it to a higher place that made the song one of our favorites out of the gate. I will always remember the phone call from Michael midway into mixing the song and how he said that the song was very "Nashville" and was going to be a hit! We hope his feelings of the song being a hit are correct. We are excited for the release on May 9th, and are stoked to play it live and hope to one day hear full audience singing these lyrics back to us on stage".

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below

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Singled Out: Barstool Confession's TAMED

News > Barstool Confession

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