
DMB's Toss Em All Outta Office Tour

(PR) Dave Matthews Band, O.A.R., and former members of Phish and the Grateful Dead are among the artists participating in the "Midterms Matter Tour," a multi-city voter registration campaign staged this summer by the non-profit, nonpartisan organization HeadCount.

HeadCount registered nearly 50,000 voters in 2004, more than any all-volunteer group in the United States. This year, the organization aims to bring voter participation back to the forefront by reminding young people that "Midterms Matter," referring to the midterm elections in which one-third of the Senate and all seats in the House of Representatives are up for re-election.[see full story for dates, details and who will be playing. We can guess by who is taking part in this who they want you to vote for but antiMusic is truly non-partisan so we created that headline to send our clear message that ALL career politicians need to go! Right, left or center they all suck right now. So if your incumbent has a primary challenger vote for them if you want to stir things up. Otherwise, it will be the same old, same old no matter which "party" runs things. But if you need a rock band to motivate you to register to vote, please stay home. You are part of the problem! ] - Click here for the Full Story

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