
Ours Week: Day 2 "Murder"

(antiMusic) Ours released two incredible records for DreamWorks records. Their third album has been a long time in the making, but with Rick Rubin behind the knobs, the result is well worth the wait. We speak with Jimmy Gnecco this week as "Dancing for the Death of an Imaginary Enemy' hits stores and he tells us a bit about some of his favorites songs on the album. Plus we have full streams for you to check out as well!

Here is Jimmy with today's song "Murder": The main riff to MURDER was part of the newly written Mercy. The song was very long, and we played it for even longer live. When Rick heard Mercy he didn't hear the song being as long as we did, so he asked me to cut it down. By the time we got it to where he was happy with it, the riff barely existed. This was disappointing to me, so I wrote an entirely new song (Murder) based around the riff. - The album is in stores this week, but you can listen to this song right here

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