
Signal Hill Transmission Get Started With New EP - A Top Story This Week

Signal Hill Transmission Get Started With New EP was a top story for this week. Here it is again: (PR) Signal Hill Transmission is proud to announce the release of their four song EP, "Starting Gun," on September 23rd on ATO Records. The forthcoming release is the band's first with ATO. This all-digital release is also a first for the label.

In early 2008, Signal Hill Transmission won a contest put on by Clear Channel radio station 98.7FM. The win earned them a recording contract with ATO, and from that very moment the band was off and running with the creation of "Starting Gun."

"Winning a record contract from a competition, I know it sounds weird," admits guitarist Mon Agranat, "but in this industry, in this day and age, it's good to get an edge any way you can." - more on this story

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