
Shinedown Vocals Replaced With Hoobastank (A Top Story)

On Thursday Shinedown Vocals Replaced With Hoobastank was a top story. Here is the recap: (Rock AAA) Shinedown have released a video for their track Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom) after it became the fifth-best selling rock and metal single of 2010.

But singer Brent Smith won't appear on Apocalyptica's upcoming track Not Strong Enough � because the band didn't do the paperwork. Smith's performance appears on the album 7th Symphony as planned, but the single will feature Doug Robb of Hoobastank.

Apocalpytica drummer Mikko Siren says: "We met Brent two years ago and we saw Shinedown live. We were really impressed with his voice. So when we had the song we remembered him, we asked him in and we were lucky enough that he agreed." -

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