
Songs Elvis and Bowie Could Have Shared (A Top Story)

On Friday Songs Elvis and Bowie Could Have Shared was a top story. Here is the recap: (Gibson) In her book, Stardust, Angie Bowie writes that David Bowie could do a "devastating" impersonation of Elvis Presley. Presley did, in fact, once consider recording a cover version of Bowie's 1976 hit, "Golden Years." Truth is, the two rockers had much in common, from a shared record label to Svengali-like managers to a preference for flashy jump suits. To commemorate their common birthday � January 8 � we thought it would be fun to consider a handful of songs the two could have shared.

10. "Golden Years" (1976): Bowie himself believed this single from his pioneering techno-soul album, Station to Station, would have been a perfect fit for Elvis. Thematically, the song could have served as a fine capstone to all that had gone before in The King's career. It would also have been interesting to hear what James Burton might have done with the track's angular, disco-fied guitar riff.

4. "Fame" (1975): What song in the Bowie canon could be more fitting for the world's most famous rock and roll pioneer? Performance-wise, Presley could have owned this 1975 hit, and could have imbued lines such as "got to get a rain check on pain" with a ringing authority emanating from his very soul. To have heard Presley take on an undiluted funk style � jumping headlong into a genre he never really embraced � would have been a treat as well. - Check out the full list here

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