
Stevie Nicks Inspired To Tackle Addictions By Writing Song

(Classic Rock) Stevie Nicks recalls how writing a song about a drug-addicted actress led her to tackle her own addictions. The Fleetwood Mac star releases her new solo album 24 Karat Gold - Songs From The Vault on October 6. And one of the tracks, Mabel Normand, was written in 1985 after Nicks watched a documentary on the 1920s star.

Nicks tells Billboard: "Give Mabel Normand a special listen. Mabel was an amazing actress and comedian from the 20s, and she was a terrible cocaine addict. She eventually died of tuberculosis, but it was really her drug addiction that killed her

"She was in love with a famous director, who tried to get her off coke, and he was murdered. Rumour has it, drug dealers killed him. I saw a documentary of her in 1985, when I was at my lowest point with the blow. I was watching TV one night, the movie came on, and I really felt a connection with her. That's when I wrote the song. Less than a year later, I went to rehab at Betty Ford."

Read more here.

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