
Singled Out: Leslie Tom's My Only Addiction

Leslie Tom

One of our fav country stars Leslie Tom just released her new self-titled EP and to celebrate we asked her to tell us the story behind the song "My Only Addiction". Here is the story:

"My Only Addiction" is my favorite song on the new record. The inspiration for the song came primarily from my experience walking my best friend through a relationship that was like a drug addiction for her. Over the past few years, she was in and out of a relationship with the same guy, each time trying to convince herself that seeing him would not cause an emotional downfall, and each time they got together, she left feeling just exactly that. Some would argue a drug addiction is the worst kind of addiction to have, yet I would argue that being in a relationship with someone that is emotionally unavailable but with chemistry and conversation that is overpowering is more harmful. At least with drugs, there is rehab, with love, you can get stuck in a cycle of negativity.

After a particularly hard evening on the phone with my friend, I told her that I was going to write a song about her love addiction and started to do just that. A friend of mine named Tony Gunter told me he had a few lines he put together for an addiction-type song so we got to work. After a few days, we brought Linda Koehl in to help finish the song out and what we ended up with is a combination of a life's worth of bad relationship experiences wrapped into one song.

To make the song the best, Kevin Moon (who has the voice of classic country music) graciously agreed to sing the duet with me. It's pure magic!

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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