
Singled Out: On Being An Angel's Playin It Cool

Keavin Wiggins | 11-03-2023

On Being An Angel

On Being An Angel released their brand new single "Playin It Cool" today, November 3rd, and to celebrate we asked Paige to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

The song came together after our guitarist Nick sent me the riffs and I just kinda sat around humming along over and over till the words kinda started filling into the melody. We then built it up more at the next full band practice; we added an intro with Nick's solo #1 before jumping into the back-beat verse. I had written the verse & "pre-chorus" but then decided I wanted something more for the chorus. We all laughed when we decided the technical "chorus" would only be played once in the song. I added the lil bridge at the end and figured what better way to wrap it up than to end with solo #2.

The lyrics kinda reflect on the age-old battle of head vs. heart, knowing what you want might not always be what's best, and trying to keep composed when your head is going crazy. Initially the song had the running title "Better Off Dead" but then we decided to try and livin it up a bit...

We were excited to record our first vinyl release but also nervous to work with someone new because we were used to recording everything ourselves at the practice space. It took us a couple weeks of checking out spots because we really wanted to find the studio that felt like the right fit, but as soon as we met up with Jason Morales and stepped into the BBQ Shack we knew it was the one. Jason was more than happy to let us borrow some gear of his we had our eyes on, including a 70s Marshall JMP and a 70s Gibson Les Paul, which both felt fitting for the KISS cover. So on April Fools' Day we cut both tracks live to tape and mixed the next day.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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Singled Out: On Being An Angel's Playin It Cool

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