
Singled Out: Ethan Larsh's Last Big Score

Keavin Wiggins | 01-19-2024

Singled Out: Ethan Larsh's Last Big Score

Ethan Larsh just released his brand new single and video called "Last Big Score" and to celebrate we asked him to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

"The Last Big Score" is a ballad about a man who robs a bank so he can impress his girlfriend with his new found money, only to die, where he's greeted by his girlfriend in heaven. My inspiration for the song came from Bruce Springsteen's line from "Thunder Road", "we're going to chase the promised land." I thought that line was beautiful - and I wanted to write something that could compete with the feeling that line gave me. I wanted the song to build, with a climax of fevered vocals and brass (featuring my dad on trombone).

I take psych meds, and went off of them in 2022 when I wrote this song (I believe there's a lot of unwarranted stigma surrounding mental illness, and don't feel uncomfortable talking about it). I had delusions that God was helping me write songs. "The Last Big Score" was written in 15 mins, with what I perceived was assistance from a higher power. Many songs on my upcoming album, Into Thine Kingdom of Heaven, were written with similar assistance.

The video was my attempt to illustrate the magic that occurs in band practices, which is among my favorite places to be, with beautiful people who help me execute my creative visions

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about Ethan here

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Singled Out: Ethan Larsh's Last Big Score

News > Ethan Larsh

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