
Sound The Alarm

(Rock Ridge) On Tuesday, November 1, 2005, Sound The Alarm will release a self-titled, digital-only EP on Rock Ridge Music. This Pennsylvania-based rock group's EP is the next in Rock Ridge's fall series of special, digital-only releases. This digital-only EP will be available everywhere digital tracks are sold in the US, including outlets such as Napster, iTunes, MusicMatch, and Walmart.com.

The six songs featured on the EP are "Fools and Thieves," "Suffocate To Stay Alive," "Cutting Deep," "Prove Them Wrong," "Waiting For Winter," and "Never Let You Down." Consisting of songs that scored the pop/punk band industry buzz and tunes written for their first full-length album, this EP chronicles the band's early beginnings. Sound The Alarm plan to release a new album in the summer of 2006 on Geffen Records.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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