
Britney Goes Punk

(Waste of Education Dollars) [This BS story was too funny to pass up. Yes Virginia, you will find the hotbed of punk thought on college campuses. Or is it poser punk? This guy is convinced that Britney is now punk rock. He obviously has too much time on his hands between groupthink indoctrination sessions� Oops, make that classes. Here is a little highlight to give you a good laugh for Thursday.] Britney is now a punk rocker. In 1960s Paris, artists invented a cultural theory known as the Situationist International, which claims the ideas of anti-materialism, that the possessions and wealth people accumulated are not their to control, but that such things control them. It also decries every person as essentially not special, standing in sharp contrast to America's consumer culture. This theory served as the catalyst for the punk rock movement and inspired Malcolm McLaren and the Sex Pistols to create a new genre of music, deriding the value of boring television, boring riches and a boring life of pretending one is special.

Born on Dec. 2, 1981 in Mississippi, Spears was, from the beginning, raised to be a star. By 8 years old she was auditioning for the Disney Channel's "The New Mickey Mouse Club," and at age 16, Spears dropped out of high school to pursue a solo singing career. [ok, maybe it's satire but beware if this yahoo is actually serious! You can read the entire absurd article at the full of sh*t link] - Click here for the Full Story

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