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Kerry Charles Shares New Song 'Empress Of The Crystal Moon'


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(Force Field) Kerry Charles has shared a brand new single called "Empress Of The Crystal Moon" ahead of debut LP, "I Think Of You", which will be released on April 14th.

"Empress of the Crystal Moon" is about a person who I used to encounter in the cafe below the Philadelphia apartment I lived in for many years. The epitome of "new age," she would often talk to me about science fiction, crystals and other "woo woo" phenomena. I wrote this song (and the track that follows it on the LP) while imagining her metamorphosis from "total normie" to an Empress of the Crystal Moon... whatever that means." -Kerry Charles.

Blurring the lines between caricature and confessional, Kerry Charles isn't quite certain where his act ends and reality begins. Sardonic, yet sincere, abject but personal and indisputably groovy, Charles's timeless pop recordings are as enigmatic as their author.
Drawing influence from the likes of Prince, Hall and Oates and Steely Dan, Charles's obsessively produced tracks land somewhere between laid-back synth pop, smooth dad rock and seductive R&B.

The New Jersey-based songwriter and producer pairs his intimate falsetto with a lush palette of synthesizers and the inimitable sax stylings of Max Cudworth to produce a sound that longs for a time of polyester and purple rain.

Supported by an outstanding lineup of musicians (including Dustin Kaufman of St. Lucia), Charles and Cudworth spin a sensual yarn that will have you reaching to dim the lights and uncork that second bottle of malbec.

His debut LP, I Think Of You, is packed with moments heralded by Noisey as "seriously groovy cold-weather jams...the type of music that feels just right when the leaves start to change colors." Nine tracks of cozy sonic gems that will have you begging for more, and rest assured more is around the corner.

'Love Moves', a limited-edition romantic card game (available to order now) that acts as a companion piece to the LP, invites longtime companions and budding lovers to plumb the same depths as Charles and unveil their most authentic selves.

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Kerry Charles Shares New Song 'Empress Of The Crystal Moon'


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