
Robert Plant Compares Band of Joy To Jefferson Airplane

(Gibson) Robert Plant is currently on tour with Band of Joy, a group that has its roots (at least musically) in the frontman's pre-Led Zeppelin band. Plant recently compared the band, which features Buddy Miller and Patty Griffin among others, to another Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group.

"This is the Band of Joy I played in all that time ago, or at least that was the plan: to go to the place where much of the music we were playing in the'60s originated, and play it with these people," Plant told The Observer. "But now it has a life of its own. In the free-form moments of our music, we're playing a mixture of Indo-jazz fusion and a great gig by Jefferson Airplane."

He also spoke about the significance of being a member of a band, rather than a solo artist. "Most of all, I want to be on these kind of terms with these kind of people," he said. "There's no point in doing it any other way, and if I did, I'd feel uncomfortable. I've got the big name, but I've always wanted to be in a band, one of a band. And this is what I have to be to do it." more on this story

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